March 05, 2008


Today I’ve reached an agreement about the renting contract with the shopping centre’s manager. The contract, as all shopping centre contracts I’ve always seen and signed, is really strict for small companies, and deep inside, you have the impression of doing a deal with the devil. Anyway, the contract’s sign next week would mean the end of phase one. I’ll get the office evacuated by the actual tenant in April 15th, and the opening deadline to my office will be June 1st, despite is possible I’ll be opened at the end of May, after the exams. Time enough to arrange the office according to my standard and brand image of the group.
Then phase two, the process to enter the company in the Business Register office, will be ready to begin. In order to do it, I’ve already asked at the Treasury Deppartment for the temporary N.I.F., I’ve deposited the 60.101,21€ required to found a travel agency in the bank, and probably on friday next week I’m going at the notary public to give him the bank certificate and sign the constitution deed. I think the whole procedure should take a month.
Once I’ll get the Register’s certificate, and the rest of documents would been collected, It will start phase three: to process the travel agency commercial activity licence at the Xunta de Galicia. At the same time, I’ll start the employees selection process, to save time. I have to hire two people, one of them full time and another part time. Even though I will talk about it in another “chapter” later.

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